Sunday, February 12, 2012

Those fucktard moment when you may be had questioning by your friends about your breakup. The worst is someone you've been trying so hard to forget is asking about it & else .. and all you think is " I need closure." Get everything off your chest. Tell him before hand you just need him to LISTEN so you can get on with you life as I'm not looking for a fight...  Alcohol speaks the truth. I hate him. I love him. But I'm avoiding falling for him again. I dint want him to fool me ! Making sure that I remember all this and just let it pass so I can find someone new and maybe better. Has anyone dumped someone only to realized that is was a mistake? I ended a relationship and soon I started to miss my ex. At first i felt like the ex wanted out, so trying to protect myself, i did the dumping. It wasn't so hard, cause i felt I came out unscathed but I was wrong. I've been doing some bad stuff .. pushing the ex away and we haven't talked much but I've been receiving texts from him. However, things are over but I am not depressed nor desperate. I'm accept my loses but every time I get drunk, all of the relationship I ended seem like a mistake. He was a nice person but he was never nice as compared to the new boyfriend cause he never used to do things for me ( maybe he did but never enough ) and some time i felt that he completely had taken me for granted ( hot & cold ) but he used to say " I love you " all the time. Im with another guy who loves me very much and he is extremely nice person and does almost everything for me. I could have never got a better one ( recently broke up ) I mean ... I really don't know what happened to me, suddenly i have started missing my ex and i cant stay a single moment without thinking of him and it gives me so much pain. NOT because i want to go back to my ex but because of those times
when we could just give each other a second chance .. or perhaps i still love him? idk. I've been thinking about what my current ex boyfriend might feel if he found out you had feeling for your ex ( he knows). That would hurt him also, ( yes. it did ). My ex is in my part and that's where all ex's should stay and probably not he's not even hurt by it anymore. He hae manyyyyy reasons to leave me.. yeah ?.

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